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Contact information


Deborah Wall-Palmer

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow


Marine Biodiversity Group

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden




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About this project:


Calcifying plankton are amongst the most vulnerable organisms to imminent ocean changes, including ocean acidification and ocean warming. As a considerable part of the ocean food web, it is important to understand how calcifying plankton will be affected by these changes. However, responses to environmental changes are often species-specific, so it is essential to first understand the taxonomy and distribution of a plankton group, before the effects environmental change can be investigated.


This website is part of on-going research into shelled heteropods (atlantids) carried out in principal by Dr Deborah Wall-Palmer. The research uses a wide range of interdisciplinary techniques to determine fundamental information about atlantids, such as biogeography, and to use this to interpret how they have responded to past environmental change, as well as predicting their likely fate in the future ocean. This research was initially funded by the Leverhulme Trust at Plymouth University, UK, as part of the project ‘Shelled heteropods: morphology, molecular taxonomy and global distributions’ (PI Dr C.W. Smart, Dr Richard Kirby, RPG-2013-363, 2014-2017). Dr Wall-Palmer now continues research into shelled heteropods under the POSIEDoN project (2017-2019), funded by a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellowship at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden.


One of our core aims is to increase awareness of shelled heteropods and to promote their identification. We hope that this website will help you to identify your specimens. It is still something of a work in progress and we would appreciate any feedback and suggestions that you have.


This research was carried out at Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the University of Plymouth with funding from the Leverhulme Trust and the NBC Martin-Fellowship. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 746186.


© 2017 Deborah Wall-Palmer

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